Luke 10:36-37, “” So which of these three do you think was neighbour to him who fell among the thieves?” And he said, “He who showed mercy on him. “Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” Whatever level you find yourself, you are a solution to a problem. To work with God’s projects, you must learn to see your life as a solution to someone in trouble. Build your life around your contribution to others. To do this, you must see your contribution as an assignment from God, not from man. When you see your assignment as being from man, you can afford to disappoint them but you cannot afford to disappoint God because one day you will return to Him and rest in Him. Today, we look upon injustice, pain and wrong unaffected. Do not let the deadness of your hearts rob you of the reward you would receive in Christ’s service. Just as Jesus Christ is the solution to the problems of all mankind, He expects you to be a solution to a problem.