Matthew 14:14 – “And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick”. How clearly are we really seeing our world? When we look at our lives, what do we see? What does Jesus see? Jesus cares because Jesus sees and Jesus teaches us to see not just what is going on around us but to look to the heart of the matter. What do you see? To work with God’s projects, act with Him and live for Him, we must see what He is looking at. Faith looks back, hope looks ahead but love looks around. When you look back by faith, you see that Jesus came to restore the relationship which was broken between God and man. When you look forward through hope, you see Jesus is coming back soon and when you look around by love, you see those in need of help for God’s sake. Then, you begin to see what God is looking at. Faith, hope and love act in concert to accomplish the purpose of God. Faith reminds me that my sins are forgiven. Therefore, I don’t have to worry about or be haunted by my past. Hope reminds me that I don’t have to be upset or uptight about the future. Yet as essential as faith and hope are, Paul singles out love as the greatest virtue because it is only through love we are able to respond to God and to others in the present. A person who lacks faith will not be able to love in the present because he will be paralysed by the hurts and sins of his past. A person who lacks hope will not be able to love in the present because he will be too worried about his retirement account of the future, the last day. Only the person who has put his past behind him through the power of the cross and who looks forward to the future through the promise of Heaven can truly love in the present. Begin to live your life now. Act now, believe now, confess now, love now and see what God is looking at now.