Unreasonable Love

Do you feel betrayed because your best friend absconded with your wife on your wedding day? Do you feel disappointed because you lost your job after being implicated by a colleague in the office? There is this question many will ask from time to time and this question rightly comes to mind, ‘How can I forgive someone who has hurt me so deeply? ‘Why must I love my enemy?’ Loving your enemy is always unreasonable, unless you realise that you were an enemy of God, until He forgave you. What is forgiveness? Forgiveness means that God looks at you as if you had never sinned. God’s forgiveness does not sweep your sin under the carpet; instead He completely washes them away. When you receive His forgiveness, you become blameless before Him. That is God’s forgiveness. It is also His will that you remember that you have sinned and been forgiven. Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”. Your enemy could be your neighbour, friend or those who do not share the same faith with you but when you love an enemy, you will see him or her as Christ does. Forgiveness paves the way for a harmonious relationship even with your enemies and being unwilling to forgive, shows that you have not understood or benefitted from God’s forgiveness. If you have been forgiven, that forgiveness will create in you a forgiving heart towards others. In Luke 23:34, Jesus forgave even those who mocked and killed Him. We should be more concerned about our offenders and their relationship with God and less about our own grudges, self-pity and ill will because the person most hurt by unforgiveness is you.