The Word Dominating You

In Acts 20:32, God commends us to the Word of His grace. This Word builds Christ’s nature into individuals. In other words, God is building Himself in to us, making Himself part of us as the Word rules, dominates and sanctifies our spirit nature. He is making Himself a part of us so that His instinct and nature would be evident and obvious in us, so that His wisdom would be deposited into our hearts, so that everything about us would become everything about Him. For in Him is solution to our problems. In Him is healing for our sickness. In Him is answer to our questions. But if there is no indwelling Word, Jesus will not come onto the scene to answer you. It is the Word dominating you that is the Lordship of Christ in you. In the Book of Acts, the Word grew in the minds of the people and gained supremacy over them. It dominated their thoughts, words and actions. Can the same be said of your life today? You may study the Word of God for years but not only must you hear the Word with your ears, you must also hear the Word with your heart. How do we hear the Word with our heart? To hear God’s Word with our heart requires openness and hunger for God’s Word. See God’s Word as if your life depends on knowing it. Not only must you have God’s Word in order to be born again, you must also have His Spirit, mixed with faith and repentance in your heart. Jesus Christ is waiting for you at the point of His Spirit. Look into the Word of God, act upon it and don’t be surprised if any moment from now, you are transformed, in Jesus’ name!