2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” There are languages and there is a language. There are tongues and there is a tongue. There are words and there is a Word. There is a difference between the language God uses in the Bible and today’s language. The language God uses in the Bible to create and save us, to heal and bless us, to judge and rule over us is quite different from the language of today. When you speak God’s language, you will hear yourself, others will hear you but most importantly, God will hear you. When you speak the language of today, though you hear yourself and others may hear you, God will not hear you. Therefore, you cannot use today’s language to pray; you must speak the language God uses in the Bible. We use today’s language to gossip, to give direction, to talk to our children and friends and to do business. Today’s language can only be heard with our ears but God speaks to our hearts; our hearts are His dwelling place and the place where faith lives is in the heart for faith is of man’s heart, not his flesh or body. When you hear God’s language with your ears and also with your heart, it will by its very nature change you and when it does, you will find yourself called to act with Christ and speak God’s language. So how do we hear the Word of God with our hearts? It requires openness and hunger for God’s Word. This is what brings about faith. You must realize that God’s Word is about what God has to say to you. Therefore, go into the Word with a clean slate; don’t make God’s Word say what you want to hear. Before you can talk on behalf of God, faith must prevail over your thinking processes – that is, today’s language. The more you hear God’s Word with your heart, the more familiar you become with God’s voice.