The Cost Of Impatience

As you are trying to make it in your respective calling, always remember: the road to your divine destiny is not a bed of roses. Many want to enjoy money, fame and power they never worked for. In an attempt to beat God’s appointed time, we find ourselves entangled with conditions we are unable to meet, thus jeopardising the promises of God in our lives. I mean, many, due to impatience, now wear the chains they forged in life. The greatest mistakes always happen because of impatience. As a man of faith, no matter how long, patience, perseverance and endurance are your tools. Psalm 37:7-9, 16-17. If Joseph had been inpatient for success and used Potiphar’s wife’s carnal desire for him to climb the success ladder, that success would not have stood the test of time because when that desire faded away, it would have left him worse off than before. Imprisonment, at its face value may seem foolish but God used it to reveal His purpose in Joseph’s life. They are strong who rely on God for their refuge, stronghold, and vindication for God always shows Himself strong on behalf of those who rely on Him. Our confidence must be in God’s Word which is constant and unchanging. The blessings of the world enrich the body temporarily but the blessings of Christ enrich the soul for eternity. Let’s live for eternity and we shall secure all that is available in it.