Matthew 25:40 – “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” Today, we make poor prayer warriors because our spirits are not stirred. We can look upon injustice, suffering and poverty unaffected. These are not the eyes of Jesus. That is not the way Jesus sees life. Jesus cares because Jesus sees. You do not care because you do not see. What your heart does not see, your eyes cannot see. If your heart does not look for those in need, your eyes will not recognize them. Looking the other way when your brother is in need is equal to rejecting Christ Himself. When you stand in the midst of the needy and look the other way, you imagine you are only in the midst of poor, weak, disadvantaged and contemptible people. You will realise too late that it was Jesus Himself whom you denied. Our position in Christ Jesus is enhanced each time we help someone in trouble. We must stir up our spirits in resisting temptation relying upon the all sufficiency of God and the omnipotence of His might. The Spirit will be released to the degree that we stand in reverence of His Word. Whatever you do or fail to do to the least of your neighbours that you do unto God. Love the Lord your God; do to others what you would have them do to you and thus fulfil the Gospel of Christ. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to love others for God’s sake today, in Jesus’ name and may He give you His eyes to find those who need you most.