Everyone is exposed to trouble because trouble does not require any invitation before it comes. But as a Christian, your trouble is not like others; it is for the glory of God. Trouble comes not because we have taken any wrong step but because we are in a complex and contradictory world. This world is not our home; we are just passing through. That you choose to serve the Lord in truth and faith does not mean that you will not encounter troubles or trials but the Lord promises to see you through. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s children are passing through this troubled world to a place prepared for them - a place without sorrow; earth is not Heaven. I mean that we are here for a short season, there will be thorns in our flesh, there will be things poking us, there will be things disappointing us. If you are seeking to have Heaven here on earth, then you are thinking and working against what the Bible says in John 16:33, that in this world, you will have trouble. Take heart - as Christians, we have a building from God. We have a firm and well-grounded expectation of future felicity.