Right Faith

You are welcome to HEAVEN Call Centre. Press 1 for Healing. Press 2 for Deliverance. Press 3 for Blessing. Press 4 for Prophecy. Press 0 to speak to Jesus. Is that what you imagine when praying? There is nothing more ridiculous than to base faith on your improvement after prayer. The world believes that prayer changes your situation but there is more to that. Prayer changes us but faith causes miracles to happen. Remember, faith is not a magic button that you press to obtain what you need from God instantly. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven”. Jesus hears prayer. It is in the mind of God to answer prayer. As there is a time for everything, there is a time for you to send your prayer or petition to God but there is also a time to wait until we receive the answer. So, after praying, it is time to put faith into practice. Keep in mind that faith demands the impossible. Faith acts now, believes now, confesses now and receives answer to your prayer now. In conclusion, remember Jesus’ words in Luke 22:32, ‘I pray that your faith may not fail’