Matthew 6:32-33, “For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Today, people seek other things and expect the Kingdom to follow. They worship the created instead of the Creator and give their time, loyalty and mind to the gift instead of the Giver. As a result of this defective worship, many have lost the place of significance in their lives. It is time for a comeback to a place of significance; it is time for a return to the place which was lost – worshipping God in Spirit and in truth. This is not just about working for Jesus but being His friend because many want to work for God but just few are willing to pay the price to be His friend. To pay the price, to worship God in spirit, do not let your situation mislead you. A man may be sick in body and yet be a friend of God. A man may be poor and yet be a candidate of Heaven. A man may be in want of bread and yet be a favourite of Jesus. To be a friend of God we must embrace righteousness, which is Christ Himself. It is a matter of your character. Only your character can testify to your confession of Christ. We are called to live in the glory of God – in His love, faith, peace, patience, power, humility, self control, goodness, gentleness and fruit of the Spirit. Worrying about tomorrow cripples your ability to think, act and exercise faith in the present. Worrying about your past sins or those who have hurt you leaves you paralyzed and unable to act love. Only love frees you in the present to respond to God and others. Possessions, money, position, fame are not bad but the love of them are bad. God wants us to have every blessing we could require or desire; it is paid for and offered freely. It is definitely God’s desire to prosper us but He first wants us to make spiritual matters a priority. Let us live for eternity and we shall secure everything available in it.