Hope For Broken Vessels

Have you made a bad decision? Have you made wrong choices? Don’t give up, don’t divorce, don’t quit on life! No matter how foolish you may be, no matter how much you have messed up with your life, remember broken things become useful in God’s hands. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be available. The Bible says we all have made bad decisions, mistakes and wrong choices we regret but we all can be forgiven and start over. As a Christian, satan uses our limitation as a bait to trap us from running a straight race with God. Therefore, we would continue to be challenged with issues that violate our conscience, issues that disturb us as a Christian. In the face of life’s difficulties, God knows we are imperfect. He helps our imperfections; he helps our limitations and shortcomings. Jesus Christ never disconnected Himself from those who had made mistakes with their lives. Peter found himself in a similar a situation in the face of threats to his life; he denied Jesus three times but it was the Holy Spirit that prompted his conscience to accuse him to repent. Today he is one of the greatest apostles in the history of the church. No matter what happens, no matter what comes, it does not change the fact that Jesus loves you and He will always be there to get you back on your feet. Don’t give up, God can still use you! (Ephesians 2:1-5). When Jesus Christ delivers you, He delivers you effectually. When Jesus Christ heals you, He heals you effectually. If you are willing to be delivered, the job is half done because Jesus is willing to deliver you. If you are willing to be healed, the job is half done because Jesus is willing to heal you. Remember, it is not all up to God to bring about what you are looking for. It takes both God’s ability and your genuine willingness to bring about what you are looking for. Right now, let us reach out by faith to Jesus Christ - believing is our connection. To the people of the world, trouble, affliction, poverty and the likes, are a poison that kills man’s happiness and zeal to move forward. But to the people of God, these things serve as a tonic, a driving force to higher aspiration.