God In The Living Word

Ask yourself this morning, “What is the position of God’s Word in my life?” The Book of Acts says that the Word of God grew in the mind of the people. It gained supremacy over them. The Word living in you gets into your blood; it becomes an integral part of you. The Word dominating you is the Lordship of Christ in you. But how many believers, because the Word does not prevail, live as common men, talk as common men, reason as common men and fail as common men? You are called to be one with a difference – that difference comes through His Word, by His Spirit. A Spirit spoke and the Word became flesh. The Word, a Spirit, spoke, “Let there be light” and there was light. The Word, a Spirit, spoke and rebuked the wind and the sea and there was a great calm and the men marvelled, saying, “What manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey Him!” The Word of God is the tool, the instrument in the hands of the Holy Ghost to heal you, bless you, prosper you and make you one with a difference. I want to encourage you to read your Bible with devotion, regularly, attentively and repeatedly; then you can become familiar with the way and manner God speaks and the way we answer God with our lives. He is with you in the living Word.