A man of faith would say, “Thank You, Jesus, for healing me”, even when the pain is yet there. A man of faith would say, “Thank You, Jesus, for blessing me”, even when the signs of poverty are yet there. A man of faith would say, “Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free”, even when he is yet to obtain real freedom. A man of faith is not overwhelmed by the happenings around but looks beyond him to what God is saying. When you are overwhelmed by what is seen, your situation will become bigger than what you can handle – leading to fear, anxiety and worry. However, a look of faith knows what God says about a situation – and what God says is final. This is the kind of faith Jesus expressed in His Father during His earthly ministry. For example, in John 11:41, Jesus thanked His Father for hearing Him, even when He was yet to pray. This was an expression of absolute trust in His Father that He was working out the answer. Remember, when Jesus was thanking God, Lazarus was still in the grave; but as a man of faith, Jesus would not be overwhelmed by what was seen. What was seen was the dead body of Lazarus in the tomb. Remember, Jesus was thanking His Father in anticipation of what He was expecting. He gave testimony of what had happened in the past (John 11:42). Faith celebrates the victory even when the war still seems to be waging around you. By faith, celebrate your victory now!