You have been created to be a successful person. So, it is definitely God’s desire for you to be successful, healed and blessed today but it is not all up to Jesus. It is not all up to Jesus for you to be successful today. It is not all up to Jesus for you to be healed and blessed today. Certainly, it is not all up to God. You have a role to play. What is your role? Mark 11:22-23, “ ‘Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered. ‘Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them”. Faith acts now, believes now and receives now. This is one of the principles that will change your life tremendously. Faith is being in a future state as if it were already here, as if it had already happened. This is what moves God’s Word to work. We don’t just sit down somewhere believing that faith will make things work. The Bible says that faith without works or action is dead. Divine faith when it is expressed in prayer is a force that has God behind it for its accomplishment. Faith sees the invisible; faith believes the impossible; faith receives the incredible. Faith is an action. Act faith and get it done!