In life, we are faced by circumstances that seem to contradict our conscience, what we believe. In this world of distraction it is easy to lose focus and get off track. When we are faced with trials, tribulations and unpleasant situations, one is tempted to depend on man’s strength rather than God’s mercy and grace. In the Book of Genesis 15:1-6, God promised Abraham that he will be the father of many nations but he had no children, he was in his old age and his wife was barren. In verse 5, God asked Abraham to ‘step out of the tent’ and count the stars. Many of us live in a four-foot ceiling while the sky is our limit. It is interesting that God asked Abraham to ‘step out from the tent’. Today, God wants you to step out of your situation and into faith for faith is the transformative power of the universe - the power of change. A change from what you are to what you want to become, a change from sickness to good health, a change from poverty to abundant blessing and a change from yoke to deliverance. When Jesus becomes your Coach, you will begin to say what has not been said, you will move onto the bridge that seems not to be there and you will describe the taste of honey while swallowing tears.