When we are tired and sick of our worldly business and frustrated in our worldly affairs, we are welcome to Christ. Jesus Christ is a democrat; He does not impose Himself or His will on anyone. He allows us to exhaust whatever worldly advantages we feel we have so that when we have learnt our lessons, we would value Him. The case of Peter is a good example. That he had laboured and toiled without anything to show for his many years of self-determination, self-confidence, human diligence and professional experience was evident in the way he sat frustrated at the seaside after the fruitless night of fishing. From Peter’s complaints, we could feel the level of bitterness and pain in his heart, even as he confesses his helpless and hopeless state, saying, “Master, we have toiled all the night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5). Here, Peter had demonstrated that, in spite of all the odds, there was still need to maintain self-control and submit to the One whose will was superior. He simply said, ‘…if You say so, I will let down the net’. In other words, he was saying to Jesus, “Who am I that I should disobey Your instruction? I know that if I assume the character of a fisherman under any authority that does not proceed from You, I am bound to catch nothing. But if I labour by Your order and under Your direction, I am sure I cannot labour in vain. So, I will let down the net”. It was not by mere chance that Jesus chose Peter’s boat at the seaside; it was by providential arrangement. When God is executing His plans in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed. Remember, our only duty is to obey God’s commands; His duty is to keep His promises, and these two duties never conflict. Obeying God at first seems hard, until we come to see that all He asks is for our good and makes life full and free. The way of obedience is the way of blessing.