Don’t you wish you can go back in time and make a different choice? Many people suffer today because of the choices they made yesterday; likewise, many enjoy their life today because of the choices they made yesterday. In the Book of Genesis 25:29-34 we read of how Esau sold his birthright for stew. He sold something that belonged to him from birth for a temporary pleasure. Birthright is what God says about you, who you are, what you have and what you can do in Christ Jesus. Stew can be compared to temporary pleasure, going to a witch doctor instead of trusting Jesus for healing, depending on the majority instead of God’s authority. In verse 30, Esau was weary and at his weakest point, he exchanged his blessing for temporary pleasure. In Matthew 4:3-11 Jesus gives us a perfect example of staying true to your purpose. Jesus overcame by keeping His purpose, vision and mission in the forefront of His mind. It is true that Jesus was hungry but he was not desperate. He was able to differentiate between God’s supply and satan’s bait. Whenever satan gives you something with his right hand that looks like blessing, with his left hand he takes from you something which your life depends on. We are celebrating today because Jesus’ focus was not broken. When faced with choices in life, always choose permanent gain over temporary pleasure.