Do you sometimes look at your life and feel that you have failed? Maybe you have considered your age, status or situation and thought that it was too late to make it in life. Yesterday’s failure can become today’s success; tragedies can become triumph when God is involved. We have seen a sinner’s character healed. We have seen the drunkard become sober. We have seen a harlot become chaste. We have seen a liar become truthful, simply by trusting in Christ’s suffering. What is your situation? Remember the prostitute in the Bible (John 5). Remember Saul who later became Paul. To Christ’s power, nothing is impossible. Your life’s direction can change. Press forward (Philippians 3:12-14). Your confession reveals whether you are a loser or a winner. Losers measure themselves by their problems; winners talk about possibilities. Losers talk about disease; winners talk about good health. Losers discuss their obstacles; winners talk about opportunities. Losers talk about their defeat; winners talk about God’s victories. Losers talk as victims; winners talk as victors. Where do you belong? Are you a loser or a winner? We cannot rise above the level of our words. Our confession is the real faith talking. Talk as an overcomer, laugh as a victor and become an ‘ex-loser’.