Approach God

Ephesians 3:12 – “In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence”. We are saved by a Gospel that tells us that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. When you embrace this truth by faith, it is what saves us. The blood that Christ shed on the Cross of Calvary is the most precious commodity in the history of human kind. It is because of the blood that dripped from His hands, from His feet and from His head that we can have a lasting relationship with God Almighty today. A Cross was set up in the ground where His hands and feet were nailed. It was a bloody death. It was a painful death. It was a cursed death. It was so miserable. He was crushed, tortured, humiliated, dehumanized and brutally murdered. He responded with forgiveness, knowing that His death on the Cross would accomplish salvation for mankind. It is because of that supreme sacrifice that we can approach God today with freedom and confidence and have a relationship with Him. When we are tired and sick of our worldly business and frustrated in our worldly affairs, we are welcome to Christ. As we go about our daily activities today, take note that Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to have a special friendship and closeness with God. If you once felt close to God but now feel distant or if you have never known the reality of a relationship with God, it is never too late to approach God for a lasting relationship. Seek His face in prayer and He has promised to answer you at the point of your need!