A Free Heart

As true members of the household of faith, when everything around us is unquiet, we should remain calm and determined because our strength, courage and inspiration derive from God Almighty. This was what gave Joseph the courage to face the unpleasant circumstances he found himself in. He knew that there was security beyond the dry pit, slavery and the prison; his heart was deeply engaged with the things of Heaven. If Joseph’s heart was troubled in the dry pit, he would not have survived the situation. However, he had internal joy. His heart was free from worry, fear and anxiety. He had peace within regardless of the situation without. The peace of conscience we derive from walking with the Lord produces internal joy, security, assurance of life and ease of heart (1 Timothy 1:2). When your focus is on God, you would never be moved by what your situation has to say; your focus would be on what God has to say concerning your life. The human spirit, when free, is sensitive to the Spirit of God, but when bound or burdened, it loses its sensitiveness and becomes useless as an instrument. Therefore, it is what you have on the inside that makes the difference. The great thing that God looks at and requires is the heart (Proverbs 23:26). We are made in our hearts to be like Jesus. We would be judged not by the colour of our skin but by the content of our character because true Christianity lies in the heart, in the purity of heart.