We are constantly making decisions, some trivial and others fundamental and life changing. Common sense tells us that some decisions are much more important than others. However, unless the decisions we make are rooted in God’s Word, they cannot stand the test of time. Such decisions would soon fade out in the face of tests and trials because they are not based on God’s unchanging, unfailing Word. As a Christian, what is the inspiration behind the decisions you make? Are you making decisions based on what your circumstances say or what God’s Word says about them? Are you reacting to your challenges according to how you feel or according to the principles of your faith? Remember, there is no neutral kingdom. Like Joshua of old in Joshua 24:15 told his people, it is time for you to choose this day what you are making of God. Is He one of those things or the only thing in your life? Deciding to put your trust in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour is the most important decision you can make in life. In other words, life’s biggest decision is what you do with Jesus. Therefore, make a decision born of faith to serve Jesus with all you are, all you have and all you can do. Learn to confess: “No matter what happens, no matter what comes – He is my Saviour. Whether trouble or not – He is my Redeemer. Come rain, come shine – He is my Shelter. I have no other refuge than this command of Jesus, ‘Only believe.’”