Attract God’s Attention

Matthew 14:28-29 – “ ‘Lord, if it’s you’, Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’ ‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.” In this passage, we learn how Peter, by faith, did what no one had ever done before, simply by taking Jesus Christ at His every Word. In our day and generation, many times we find ourselves in a similar situation as Peter. We find ourselves in a comfort zone, never ready to step out in faith in order to reach Jesus Christ. Remember the woman with the issue of blood; her desperate circumstances triggered desperate faith. She had run out of rope, it was time for her to grab onto faith. Peter knew that if God was supporting his position, impossibilities would become possible. He felt that it was time for him to do something different to change his life from failure to success. Jesus accepts anyone who comes to Him in faith, even those who previously rejected Him. Peter decided that if he wanted a different result in his life, he had to do something no one had ever done before; he did what seemed crazy to the ordinary mind. He decided to show his excitement in order to attract God’s attention in his situation. In whatever situation you find yourself in today, Jesus Christ is waiting for you to take a step of faith in order to attract His attention in your life. When you attract God’s attention in your life, all things become possible. Prayer: God, give me the grace to do all things today to be seen by You, not to be seen by men, in Jesus’ mighty name!